What should I expect on a Sunday morning?
A Sunday morning usually begins with people gathering together around 9:30 in the morning. Children from the ages of 2 through High School participate in one of the Sunday School classes. Some of the adults join together for a class of their own. Others gather together in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and fellowship. At 10:45 we gather in the Sanctuary for a time of worship together. We begin by sharing important things that are happening in our lives, we listen to music to help us center ourselves, sing hymns and songs, and have a lesson for the children. We offer our financial resources to God, we read and listen to scripture together, Pastor Alan or another person brings a message for us to reflect on, and we are sent out in the name of Jesus. |
We sing hymns and songs that are most often accompanied by organ or piano, but are also sung a capella in harmony, or led by anything from guitar to flute, to accordion to cello to oboe and more.
When people gather together on Sunday they are dressed in everything from jeans and a t-shirt to a 3-piece suit and everything in between.
When people gather together on Sunday they are dressed in everything from jeans and a t-shirt to a 3-piece suit and everything in between.